Duncan Travels - South Africa
- March 27, 2018
- 3.69 Thousand
Thanks to Chesterton's Worldwide exposure, SpiralTrac™ is literally everywhere. And Johannesburg is no exception.
What is the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word "Canada"? Hockey perhaps? Maple syrup? "Sorry"?
Or cold...and snow! As I am writing this article and look out of my office window, the sun is ever so inviting on the clear blue sky, but the snow is still cripsy on the frozen ground and the temperature gauge is still below that zero degree mark as it has been for long long weeks.
Sounds like the perfect time to pack up some luggage with sample SpiralTrac™ devices and some Version P Brochures and head to South Africa visiting our friends in the warmer climates. That is exactly what Duncan did earlier this month as he has been invited by Craig Bennet, head of Uni-Trading, to spend a couple days with them doing trainings and calls. The visit was a great success as we truly appreciate the hospitality.
Started the week on a positive note, Duncan presented the award for Top African SpiralTrac Distributor in 2017to Uni-Trading. (Find all the results in the distributor section). Congratulations are in order once again, great job!
Fibrous Applications
Pulp & Paper is one industry heavily represented in the region, these operations come with their own challenges of frequent packing changes, lots of flush water being used, high maintenance and clean up costs. If you have seen a paper stock pump leakage you know what I am talking about.
SpiralTrac™ can help soften or elliviate many of these problems. If you take a look at our Success Stories in the industry, SpiralTrac has proved many times that the environment it creates around the mechanical seal or packing greatly extends MTBF even in fibrous applications.
We developed a special Seal Version SpiralTrac (Version D) specifically for fibrous applications, it can be used with a small flush (5-8 gph) or some cases, no flush at all. The Double Spiral design helps with the axial flows in the seal chamber, moving particles held in suspension away from those delicate seal faces. Check out the Version D page for sample applications where our device has made a great difference in the past.
Long Term Savings
As the week progressed Duncan was facing a challenge at a coal mine, one that we all know too well. "Anything that costs extra is a no go!" a.k.a. cutting costs no matter what. And when a plant manager is in this mindset, presenting a solution that in fact costs money is always a tough situation. Or maybe not? EnviroSeal prides itself in offering solutions that are reliable, environmentally friendly and provide long term savings to customers. All you need is a pen and paper to do a little math. Think about your flush water costs, water treatment costs, the amount of packing you stock for repacking, gland adjustment, man hours etc etc. And then think about slashing most these expenses in half. Or less! We have Success Stories of Version P devices that has been in operation for over 4 years! Without even a gland adjustment being necessary. That is 4 years saving on extra packing, man hours, cleaning costs. Every appliaction, every scenario is different, but if you are looking to cut costs as much as possible, trust me SpiralTrac™ is your best friend!
Demo Pump
Towards the end of his trip, Duncan has been welcomed at Cyclone Sealing's office as well. Cyclone Sealing is one of our valued Distributors, they have understood and seen the value in our product, so they ordered a Demo Pump a couple years ago. You know the saying, a picture is worth a thousand words. Our Demo Pump might be worth ten thousand words in this case. The Ultimate Tool to showcase the power of SpiralTrac™, designed with transparency in mind, the see through acrylic casing paired with our "clean" particulate allows the flows in the seal chamber to be visible. Duncan's expertise combined with the Demo Pump has made for a great learning session for Cyclone's new line of specialists and some invited customers.
It is always our great pleasure to travel and connect with our peers around the globe. We are all in the same game of problem solving, offering solutions unmatched by the competition. If you are reading these lines as a customer and we have spiked your interest, don't hesitate to reach out to us. We can most likely reduce your operation costs.
If you are a Chesterton Specialist looking for a little extra info on our technology, make sure you sign up to get access to our Distributor Centre and ask away.